Sjors – Sold in The Netherlands


horse information

Sjors – Sold in The Netherlands

Tjebbe 500 Sport x Beart 411 Sport+Pref - Tall impressive stallion of 1.70 m tall, first premium as a foal








+/- 1.70 m



At 1.70m tall, this stunning stallion is an imposing presence. So Sjors is a horse you don’t just walk past! Sjors has a very nice conformation and his movements are also very good. Partly because of this, we think Sjors is a very good sport horse. Sjors is nicely ridden and feels good under saddle. He is already fine on the aids and does his best every day. When handled, Sjors is a very cheerful and playful horse. He likes to walk with everything in his mouth; a whip, ball or rope, nothing is too much for him! This also shows that Sjors is not easily impressed by anything, he has a down-to-earth character. Are you looking for a beautiful, talented, playful and also friendly giant? Where elegance, royalty and toughness come together? Then Sjors might be your buddy for life!

Sjors earned the coveted orange ribbon, a 1st premium, as a foal. Only 10% of the foals receive a 1st premium. Sjors is a son of Tjebbe 500 Sport AAA x Beart 411 Sport+Preferent x Fabe 348 Sport+Preferent. He comes from a full paper dam line: Ster+2* / Ster+2* / 1st premium Ster+Preferent+6* / Ster+3* / Ster+3* / Ster+Preferent / Model+Preferent – mare lineage: 110.

Sjors has recently been radiographed which was in order. Nothing stands in his way for a nice sport career.


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Feel free to contact us at any time. We would love to hear from you. Call us or use the contact form on this page.

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    With years of experience we have managed to separate the wheat from the chaff.


    Extra training, castration, and other necessities to help the customer to transport the horses all over the world.


    Trustworthy & an Honest advice to building a long-term relationship.


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