horse information
+/- 1.65 m
This gorgeous luxury mare is an eye-catcher. Pheleine is a long-legged modern mare with a very fine head and a beautiful mane. Pheleine has not yet been to the keuring due to her youth but we think she will not be out of place there this year. Pheleine is nicely ridden under saddle and does this very nicely. She has a soft mouth and is very nice on the aids, she is forward and she learns quickly. Pheleine is forward and well behaved and really likes to please her rider. Every day we step off her back with a big smile, every day is enjoyable with Pheleine! When handled, Pheleine is a very sweet mare with no mare hours. She loves attention and prefers to lay her head on your shoulder.
We would like to see Pheleine with someone who wants to enjoy a horse and is looking for a buddy for life!
Pheleine has an uncommon sire with Gerben 479 Sport, this is paired with a Star mare by the legendary stallion Jasper 366 Sport+Preferent x Fetse 349 Sport (size sire) x Jurjen 303.
She also has a fine full paper: Ster+1* / Ster+Preferent+4* / Ster+2* / Model+Double Preferent+8* / Ster+3* / Model+Preferent+7*
Mare lineage: 110, inbreeding of only 1.95% (inbred to Reitse 272 Pref – gave very fine characters) and Feitse 293 Preferent (gave the luxury what Pheleine also has) . In addition, despite Jasper 366 in the pedigree, Pheleine has a nice low kinship percentage of 17.49%.
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Read moreWith years of experience we have managed to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Extra training, castration, and other necessities to help the customer to transport the horses all over the world.
Trustworthy & an Honest advice to building a long-term relationship.
Most of our horses has been clinical and/or good on x-rays approved for sport.