horse information
+/- 1.67 m
Ridden, shows a lot of quality for dressage
This beautiful gelding is a promising sport horse! Oege is a very beautiful large but luxurious gelding that can move very well, Oege moves with lots of space and schwung and has a lot of transition ability. Oege comes directly from the breeder and as a foal he was raised with the bottle because his mother died. You can see that he has been handled a lot and because of this he is very people-oriented. Oege is now lightly ridden under saddle, his breeder has really given him time to grow nicely, and he is picking up the work well. He is eager to learn and gives a nice feeling to his rider. Oege still has a lot to learn but we are convinced he is going to be a very good sport horse, but also because of his nice character we can certainly see him taking a nice forest or beach ride in the future. Are you looking for a beautiful horse with size and appearance and a gelding that floats through the track? Feel free to make an appointment to come see this topper! He is a son of Tymen 503 Sport-Elite x Wobke 403 Sport x Tsjerk 328 Sport+Preferent. His dam is Ster / Star / Star+Preferent / Star+Preferent. Oege has a low inbreeding percentage of 0.39%.
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Read moreWith years of experience we have managed to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Extra training, castration, and other necessities to help the customer to transport the horses all over the world.
Trustworthy & an Honest advice to building a long-term relationship.
Most of our horses has been clinical and/or good on x-rays approved for sport.