horse information
+/- 1.66 m
Longe trained
Maxima M. van de Sprong is a luxurious, uphill built 2nd premium Star mare with full paper. She is free of the waterhead gene, free of the dwarf gene and fox factor free. In addition, she has a nice low inbreeding percentage of 0.98% and a nice blood structure. This allows her to be covered by several interesting approved stallions. Her sire line is as follows: Jehannes 484 Sport-Elite AAA x Norbert 444 Sport+Preferent AAA x Dirk 298 Sport x Tamme 276 Stb.
Her dam’s line consists of many preferent mares, making the breeding reliability higher than with mares that only have full papers with only star mares, for example. Maxima’s dam is a 1st premium Star mare who already has 2 Star offspring / Star+Preferent A+5* – 1 of her daughters is a Model+Sport+Preferent mare / Star+Preferent+4* – 1 of her daughters is a Model mare / Star+Preferent+6* – 4 daughters of hers are Star+Preferent – Mare lineage 145.
Maxima is clinically and radiographically approved, nothing stands in the way of a nice breeding / sport.
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Read moreWith years of experience we have managed to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Extra training, castration, and other necessities to help the customer to transport the horses all over the world.
Trustworthy & an Honest advice to building a long-term relationship.
Most of our horses has been clinical and/or good on x-rays approved for sport.