Who works at Frysk-Andaluz and who trains the horses? Who are the faces on the website and who will you get on the phone when you call us. We think it is very important that you know who you may be doing business with.
Richard Flier
Richard Flier is owner of Frysk-Andaluz and married to Charissa Flier. Richard takes on many tasks such as buying the horses, selling the horses, the website, helping with saddling the horses and he does some of the bookkeeping. Richard also almost always has the phone with him and is usually the point of contact when you call. Richard rides the shovel more than a horse but does enjoy the occasional lovely forest ride with one of our own brood mares.
Charissa Flier
Charissa is married to Richard and has worked on the farm since 2005. She used to ride all the horses but due to lack of time and expansion of the business, she now rides few trade horses and only competes her own horses. Charissa mainly does the customer reception and guidance, she is mainly known as the „matchmaker“. She can really sense which horse suits you best. She also does the purchasing of the horses together with Richard and she makes the texts, photos and videos for the website. She also manages the staff and helps train the horses.
Hannah Broek
Hannah Broek bought her first own 3-year-old Friesian mare from us with her stepfather when she was 12 years old. We could see even then that she would become a good and fearless rider. Hannah has been working with us since 2016 and specialises mainly in saddling young horses. She also rides Z dressage with her own horse Duco. Hannah also regularly helps clients find the right horse.
Debby De Graaf
Debby has previously been a stable rider at another stable and has started working for herself as a ZZP-er since 2022. Debby is a former Grand-Prix rider and she rides several horses for us in the competitive sport. Currently, she is riding the following horses:
FHS Kjeld in L2, FHS Epke in Z2, FHS Candelario in ZZ-light.
Mit jahrelanger Erfahrung ist es uns gelungen, die Spreu vom Weizen zu trennen.
Zusätzliches Training, Kastration, um dem Kunden den Transport der Pferde in die ganze Welt zu erleichtern.
Vertrauenswürdige und ehrliche Beratung zum Aufbau einer langfristigen Beziehung.
Die meisten unserer Pferde waren klinisch und/oder auf Röntgenaufnahmen gut und für den Sport zugelassen.