Since we were children we have always loved the Friesian breed and after years of learning and watching Friesian Horses we decided to buy 2 beautiful friesian colts with good bloodlines. We enjoyed to take care of this two friesians and we loved to see them growing up so much that we decided to buy 2 full-papered filly’s the next year too. And with these 4 horses our passion started!
After a few years the Friesian Horse Stables in Mijnsheerenland went for sale. A beautiful new accommodation where the pre-owners sold and bred Friesian and Andalusian horses. For us a big chance to make our dream come true!
In 2005 we bought the company Friesian Horse Stables “Frysk-Andaluz” and we directly bought some nice breeding mares. The idea of Friesian Horse Stables was breeding high quality Friesian horses, but after a while we had to sell some of them. In the beginning it was very hard to sell our lovely horses but after a while we started to like it.
We like it in our way: Making horse and owner happy. And happiness starts with finding the right match! We have used this way of working for a long time now, and this has made a lot of satisfied customers and happy horses!
Mit jahrelanger Erfahrung ist es uns gelungen, die Spreu vom Weizen zu trennen.
Zusätzliches Training, Kastration, um dem Kunden den Transport der Pferde in die ganze Welt zu erleichtern.
Vertrauenswürdige und ehrliche Beratung zum Aufbau einer langfristigen Beziehung.
Die meisten unserer Pferde waren klinisch und/oder auf Röntgenaufnahmen gut und für den Sport zugelassen.