

We have been selling horses all over the world for many years. We have many contacts and can fully assist you in finding the right transport for your horse. If necessary, we can advise you which transport company to contact.
We understand that it is very important that your horse is transported as safely and comfortably as possible. Whether by trailer, truck or plane.
Countries outside Europe require different blood and CEM tests, which we can have taken by an authorised veterinarian in consultation with the transport company.
Transport is always at the buyer’s risk. It is possible and advisable to insure your horse for this.



Mit jahrelanger Erfahrung ist es uns gelungen, die Spreu vom Weizen zu trennen.


Zusätzliches Training, Kastration, um dem Kunden den Transport der Pferde in die ganze Welt zu erleichtern.


Vertrauenswürdige und ehrliche Beratung zum Aufbau einer langfristigen Beziehung.


Die meisten unserer Pferde waren klinisch und/oder auf Röntgenaufnahmen gut und für den Sport zugelassen.