Mats – Sold to the USA



Mats – Sold to the USA

Matthys 504 Sport-Elite x Dries 421 Sport - AA stallion scored 80 points in the carriage test and 76 in the riding test - Breath taking looking stallion








+/- 1.65 m


Geritten und gefahren in the ABFP test with 80 and 76 points

Looking for the cream of the crop? We have him for sale! This stunning 3-year-old stallion is one that, like his sire Matthys 504, can go on to reach the highest level. Mats is a stallion with a beautiful build, a gorgeous small head and 3 enormously strong movements. He particularly excels in his tremendously strong hind leg use but also all the balance and athleticism he has for such a young horse. Mats did the ABFP test and got the super score of 80 points for the cart and 76 points under saddle. So Mats is also very suitable as a harness horse. This horse is a true all-rounder! Mats is very easy to ride and always puts his best foot forward! He is eager to learn and willing to work, but also feels very comfortable under saddle. He is very down-to-earth and not easily impressed by new things, he likes stepping on new things and is not the type to run off without stopping. Mats is also a horse to ride in the Friesian Talent Cup for 3-year-old horses. A topper of a horse who is going to win the ring! Mats is a friendly horse that loves attention. Mats is good on x-rays.

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Feel free to contact us at any time. We would love to hear from you. Call us or use the contact form on this page.

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