+/- 1.67 m
Z2+ winning points - Ster+Sport predicate - Shows a lot of quality for the Upper levels dressage!! - several times 65% scores ** Selected for the Fryso Florian dressage cup half finals in September 2023 - highest points on the day!
A horse with the wow factor in terms of looks but also a pleasure to ride! Epke is a gorgeous Ster stallion with long manes who really has that fairy-tale look. But Epke is not only a real eye-catcher to look at, he also has a lot of talent as a sport horse. At only 6 years old, he is scoring very well in competitions and is currently already winning Z2 dressage under Debby de Graaf. At every competition, he stands out for his tough looks and above-average gaits. Epke is easy to ride, quick on the aids and gives his rider a good feeling. He is not spooky and is easily steered through the new competition arena every time. Epke is a horse with a lot of talent for the higher work, he has a good walk, a spacious trot and a beautiful canter. The Z exercises are really confirmed and here he shows a lot of quality in the lateral movements and the collection and extensions.
Epke has also been to the beach with us, which he enjoyed very much and he was also very well behaved. The nice thing about Epke is that, despite being a mega-talented sport horse, he can also be used for a nice ride in the woods or on the beach.
Do you want to shine with an insanely beautiful horse? Do you really want to stand out at championships, for example? Epke is possibly for sale for the right rider. He is priced in the higher price range.
He is fully been x-rayed by Drs. L.J. Hofland working for veterinarian clinic Bodegraven.
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